The Chamber of Red Fang
“Dust covers the ancient armour of the dwarves of Dur Moro. You bend down to clear it away, the steel shining like the day it was forged. You take note, remembering to take some of these wondrous artefacts back to Grey. You forge on, your companions searching every wall and floor slab for signs of secret entrances. Hours become days. Finally, you come across a statue of the kings of ancient Ramthas. Talisan touches the face of a sad looking man, then disappears in a flash of light that sears your retina. After what feels like forever, you regain your sight. Talisan is gone, his shadow burned into the wall he stood beside. The statue glows slightly, then slides noisily to one side revealing rough, stone steps leading down…”
Far from here, in the Fourth Realm of Urth, deep beneath the ancient halls of Dur Moro, lies an evil in dread repose. As rumour of richs beyond imagining travel from tavern to tavern, from Nordheim to Grey, the brave and the stupid travel to the Iron Wall and the very gates of the Dwarves themselves.
Meanwhile, in a place devoid of time and soaked in evil, three guardians stand in regret, accounting for their failures through their ageless vigil. Beyond a terrible weapon forged in blood and Sin waits for one to wield it…
Chamber of Red Fang is an adventure set in the far future of Alfheim. The adventure is designed for Index Card RPG, although it can be converted to other TTRPG systems with relative ease.
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