Start Creating with ICRPG
Download everything you need to start playing

Form up, Shield Wall!
Index Card RPG (ICRPG) represents the accidental, intuitive, inevitable result of countless game sessions and legendary tales. It wasn’t invented so much as discovered. It was hiding right there all along, in sheafs of paper, wobbly drawings, and bags of dice.
Since its first release as a series of silly Sharpie drawings in 2016, ICRPG has become an unstoppable best-seller and served as a rallying point for a vibrant, creative community of players and creators in several countries, digital platforms, and languages. It has helped to unlock the potential of gamemasters and clumsy dreamers. That was always the hope; to push people ‘over the edge’ of their doubts and hesitations; to remind them of the endless landscapes in their own imagination, and send them tumbling in with reckless enthusiasm.
So if you’re looking to take advantage of ICRPG’s indomitable DIY spirit and its easy-to-use system for your own creations, you’re in the right place! This site, along with the countless other resources in the community, can help you create your very own content and share it with your friends around the table, and the world at large. Here’s what you need to keep in mind:
Regulations for Creating Content for ICRPG
- For anyone planning to build content sheets, one-shots, settings, classes, loot tables, adventures, and the like, please include this badge on any material you put on the ‘net!
- Respect Hank’s copyright and do not copy or paste any of his work verbatim into a derivative work without his permission. This statement goes double for art.
- When in doubt, just email Hank and get permission. As the copyright holder, he can give his blessing to any project. For any offline convos or questions, Hank can be reached at: hankerin.ferinale@gmail.com
NOTE: These regulations are listed if you intend to sell or distribute your creations to a wider audience than your own gaming table. If you’re creating content and resources for your own table with no intent to share your creations further, then have it! May the DIY spirit smile kindly upon you! Skal!
Now with all that out of the way, it’s time to create! Check out the amazing ICRPG community content already out there, all the other stuff that Runehammer has made that you might enjoy, and an ever-growing set of resources to help you create and get involved in the ICRPG community! And remember, our fire is your fire. Ha’Baka!